
18. Super (Anonymous)

18. Super (Anonymous)

Views of the Writer on Prefix ‘Super’ OR  The Essay as a Satire on the prefix ‘Super’

Q: We live in a world of super things. Discuss. OR The essay is a satire on modern society in a limited way. Discuss. OR What are the views of the writer, regarding the use of prefix ‘Super’ before different things? OR Describe the origin of word “Super.” (Super)

Answer: This essay has been written by an unknown writer. The writer comments on the extra use of prefix ‘Super’ before different things. This prefix was the creation of a great dramatist, G.B.Shaw. He used it as a title for one of his famous plays, “Man and Superman.” The writer laments that this prefix is used in a wrong way. It is used with the things instead of men. He says that super things such as soap, cigarettes and chocolate carry prefix super. These things are considered superior in quality. But, actually they are not so. Actually, with the help of this criticism, the writer wants to tell that this indiscriminate use of the word with different products has weakened its meaning. We look everything sold in the market suspiciously.

Ironically, the writer says that the word ‘Super’ is used for the things and not for the men who make them. The writer condemns this fact and tells that supermen have ceased to exist. On the contrary, they have started to produce super things.                                                                                          (Words: 173)